
SICHUAN QUARTZ - Enhancing Psychic Abilities

(Code: 237)
£ 6.35
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SICHUAN QUARTZ - Enhancing Psychic Abilities

SICHUAN QUARTZ - Enhancing Psychic Abilities

Sichuan Quartz is usually a double-terminated clear quartz containing black inclusions. It comes from the Himalayas in the Chinese province of Sichuan, and is a high vibration combination of Tibetan Black Quartz and Herkimer Diamond Quartz. This Sichuan Quartz essence connects the third eye and crown chakras to open one's consciousness to higher dimensions. It is spiritually attuned to the "white flame of pure consciousness” to enhance one'sinner vision, telepathy and higher self communication. It is also most helpful at breaking ingrained habits, addictions and co-dependent relationships. It clears away outgrown connections from past lives. It dispels negativity, clears chakra blockages, realigns the meridians, and cleanses, balances and recharges the subtle body centres and the etheric blueprint, helping to lighten and freshen subtle energy flows. It grounds and centres one to dispel anxiety and establish deep inner calm.

Links to eating disorders, addiction, addictive behaviour, depression, chronic fatigue, immune system, recurring illnesses, cellular restructuring.