
SAPPHIRE (YELLOW) - Prosperity

(Code: 383)
£ 6.25
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SAPPHIRE (YELLOW) - ProsperitySAPPHIRE (YELLOW) - Prosperity

This is one of the best gem essences for promoting action to improve one’s life. Yellow Sapphire is a gemstone of optimism and joy. It encourages one to do well in all endeavours, to be successful, to manifest one’s dreams and to prosper. It instils perseverance through willpower, and focuses one’s attention on the achievement of one’s goals. It overcomes fear and procrastination, and is a good support for those who need to exercise. It promotes a positive attitude and overcomes the belief that life is meant to be a struggle, difficult or unpleasant.
Links to the solar plexus chakra, the spleen, digestion, vitality and toxins.