
MAW SIT SIT- Loving Life

(Code: 506)
£ 6.25
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MAW SIT SIT- Loving LifeMaw Sit Sit is found in upper Myanmar, within the foothills of the Himalayas. It a rare and stunning chromium-rich, emerald green and black-veined gemstone, that gleams like glass when polished. It's unusual name means "green from outer space", because the mineral was first discovered within meteorites. The essence opens and supports the heart chakra, to promote emotional stablity and to help one to find joy in life. It is energising and uplifting, and helps one to dispel pessimism, melancholy and depressive states. It helps one to remember joyous or happier times, and rekindles a desire to enjoy similar experiences again. It instils the desire to get up and fight back after a setback, as well as boosting one's morale and confidence, in order to be better able to handle the twists and turns of life. It soothes wounded emotions and instils the capability to be able to love again. Links to glucose metabolism, blood sugar balance, adrenal glands, eczema, joints, skeleton, hip bones, fluid balance, cramps, bed-wetting, convalescence.