

(Code: 507)
£ 7.35
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This Clearing Meridian Energy Blockages combination essence contains Aegirine, Ammolite, Apricot Quartz, Blizzard Stone, Chalcopyrite, Chlorite, Faden Quartz, Fire Agate, Fire Opal, Larimar, Nuumite, Obsidian, Quartz, Que Sera, Richterite, Tantalite, Tourmalinated Quartz, and Zincite gem essences, plus Pink Lotus flower essence.

Keywords: Clearing meridian blockages, repairing and realigning meridians, stimulating,balancing and regulating life force (prana) flow, alleviating causes of meridian blockages, trauma, shock, letting go the past, karmic debris, anxiety, insecurity, shock, post traumatic stress syndrome,fatigue, insomnia, trauma caused forgetfulness, mental confusion,brain fog.

This essence combination is designed to release blockages in one's meridians, and to alleviate and limit the damage caused. It is particularly helpful for overcoming a feeling of feeling "broken”by a trauma, shock, crisis, severe stress or high anxiety, and if you have been experiencing unusual tiredness and fatigue, sleep disturbances, short term memory loss, brain fog,apathy or sudden unexplained pain .

Meridians are sub-molecular, interconnected energy conduits that direct the flow of life force (prana) from our chakras to all parts of our being. Life force (prana) is essential for the well-being of all living things. In humans there are 14 pairs of meridians, all associated with an organ, except for the triple warmer meridian (which is attached to all the major organs by a network of chambers called the interstitium), and the Governing and Conception Meridians, which follow the length of the spinal column. The usual successful therapy treatment for meridian blockages is Acupuncture, but sometimes there is no Acupuncture therapist nearby, and not everyone can afford that therapy. Hence the creation of this new essence combination.

There have always been natural stressors such as earthquakes, fire, volcanic eruptions, floods, hurricanes etc. but at this time there are so many extra man-made stresses that have a negative effect on one's life-force (prana) flow through our meridians, such as war, starvation, air pollution, electromagnetic pollution, incessant fear-making bad news stories in the media, car crashes, pandemics, curbs on freedom, light and noise pollution, poor food quality, overcrowding, lack of security, financial worries, new chronic diseases and surgery.

The essences in this carefully researched Clearing Meridian Energy Blockages combination remove blockages stopping the flow of the life force(prana) through the meridian conduits. They remove the causes of blockages in the meridians, such as trauma, high stress levels, tension, great fear, grief, lack of mobility, psychic attack, psychic hooks, implants, negative entity attachments, artificial constructs ,harmful thought forms, nefarious chemical pollutants, EMF pollution, wi-fi, and self-imposed negative belief patterns. They also protect one from harmful energies, open up narrowed meridians due to stress slowing the flow of life-force(prana), stimulate and regulate the flow of life force through the meridians, realign the meridian conduits with each other and repair damage to the meridians that have been caused by negative energies, inflammation, injury or surgery. This essence sends a message via the Ethereal Fluidium in the etheric subtle body to lessen over-production of adrenaline caused by high levels of  stress, anxiety, fear and panic, that have led to a narrowing/blockage of the meridians, due to the slowing down of the proper flow of life force through them.

Where there is a build up of life force (prana) causing by narrowing or blockage in a meridian, a sudden pain, with no warning or physical reason in one or more spots (often in the shoulders, neck, head, arms or legs) may be experienced. The pain can range from a dull ache to a continual, neuralgia-like, stabbing pain, that doesn't go away with ordinary painkillers. A solid, red patch on the skin may mark the position of the energy blockage, and the area may become very hot. These symptoms are often accompanied by lack of energy or a muscle weakness if the blockage occurs within a meridian in an arm or leg. It is said the Triple Burner meridian is particularly sensitive to stress, because it regulates our stress levels and immune system response. It has become more common in our modern day stress-filled lives to have excess heat in the triple warmer meridian, and this leads to excessive activation of our fight or flight response (adrenaline production), and the setting up of the stage for the development of chronic inflammation and sometimes hot flashes too. At present, due to excess stress, many people seem to be suffering from an unexplained pain in their shoulders or arms which may be due to a blockage within the Triple Warmer meridian, or in their calves,knees, shins or hamstrings which may indicate a blockage in the stomach meridian or its partner, the Spleen meridian. Other symptoms of a narrowing/blockage(s) in the meridians are fatigue, becoming easily exhausted, brain fog, mental confusion, irritability, forgetfulness spaciness, dizziness, digestive disturbances and insomnia.

It is not necessary to know which meridian contains a blockage that is causing discomfort or pain to make use of this essence. Take up to 9 drops of this essence under the tongue 2-3 times daily for as long as is felt necessary. A drop or two can also be rubbed on any painful spot, immediately followed by tapping the tips of the fingers on the sore place for a few minutes at regular intervals. Use moderate pressure to tap the tips of the fingers on the spot in a staccato-like manner. It is also said that sliding the fingers in the wrong direction along the meridian can also help to alleviate the pain of a narrowing/blockage in a meridian. You could put a drop of two of this essence in a little comfrey oil for ease of sliding the fingers along the meridian. For this second method though you need to know the route and  direction of flow of the meridian that has the blockage. This information is too long to detail here, but can be easily found on the internet.

 Links to: shortness of breath, hot flashes, sweaty palms,sudden onset of shoulder, back, arm or leg pain without physical cause, adrenaline over-production, flight or flight response, palpitations, high blood pressures, insomnia, digestive disturbances, genito-urinary problems, dizziness, short term memory loss, varicose veins, lower organ prolapse.