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I have been working hard to research all the information for the new Andara Volcanic "Glass" Essences range.  I have now got the final details of six out of eight of these "expanding consciousness" Andara essences up on this website under the "Andara Volcanic "Glass" essences range at the top of this home page, on the left hand side.  I love them all, despite the time it took to find, buy, produce and research all their individual benefits. I believe Gaia Essences is the first British business to offer a range of Andara essences, all originally sourced from Mount Shasha, in Northern California. Please email me with any queries you need answers or let me know what you think of them .


Gaia Essences has now, at last, completed the much needed creation of the Healing Past Life Trauma gem essence combination. The details are now up in the Gaia Combinaton essence range. So many people wanting to raise their vibrations at this time are feeling tired and exhausted much of the time, however much sleep they get.  This is because subconscious past life traumas, vows and miasms trapped in their subtle bodies, plus present day environmental and food pollution are stopping valuable life force (prana) from being used to raise human vibrations up to a higher level. It took much research and a lot of work to compile all the details of this essence's benefits, so we're very, very happy to get this valuable essence out there. Another new gem combination called Focus is being prepared for sale soon.


I am delighted to announce that the Positive Thinking combination essence is now ready for sale  on this website. You can find the details in the Gaia  Combination Essences range, listed on the left side of this home page. Also available is the new EM.F. (Electromagnetic) ShieldGaia combination essence, that is designed to shield our beings from the ever-increasing electromagnetic/wi-fi pollution emanating from smart phones, Ipads, mobile phone masts and various wi-fi gadgets etc.


YAY!!! The Hummingbird combination essence and The Fire Dragon combination essence, plus the Aura Repair spray and the Aura Protection from Harmful Energies essences are ready for sale at last, after much hard work and lots of research, and the location and purchase of the appropriate high frequency crystals. You can easily find the details of these new essences by typing the name of the essences you want to find in the search box at the top of this home page, and then clicking on the picture to get to details of a particular essence. Both The Hummingbird and the Fire Dragon essences are  extra special essences are designed to promote consciousness expansion and to alleviate the negative side effects caused by this energetic upgrade, now called the "Ascension Process." The Fire Dragon essence alleviates and clears side effects of the Ascension Process in the lower chakras and energy channels, linked to unintentional Kundalini rising and other life-force energy flow problems. The Hummingbird essence promotes consciousness expansion and alleviates and clears side effects of the Acension process in the upper chakras and energy channels. Full details can be found in the Gaia Combination essences range. But if you have problems in understanding what the Ascension Process is and what it does please me email me at  Details of the new 15ml Aura Repair spray are being worked on right now, and will soon be ready to add to this website.



There are many new crystals being discovered at present. I have added some as single gem essences such as Aegirine, Golden Healer, Healerite, Malacholla and Sichuan Quartz, and added other gem essences, such as Pakulite, Starbrary Quartz, Beta Quartz, Lightbrary Quartz, Shaman's Quartz, Datalite, Green Ridge Amethyst, Trolleite, Ussingite, and Apricot Quartz to my new combination essences. 


Just wanted to post this recent, most wonderful testimonial on the 12/4/23 from a customer regarding my essences.: " My friend received his essence bottles today (Overcoming Entities), and he is going though changes after only one dose. Your work is amazing and your service has been impeccable. I will recommend your website and your essences to all my lightworker friends and anyone else who is interested. Thank you." "PS: Intending more miracles for all of us. " L.R. - Marin County, California, USA.

WoW!!!! Thank you so much L.R. (Sara).  


The GAIA ESSENCES website offers  a wonderfully diverse and thoroughly researched range of essences here, brought together over a  number of years.

We make 15ml flower, gem and environmental essences for sale at stock strength, as well as super, uplifting essential oil and essence combinations in 10ml roll-on colognes and 15ml sprays. You can find all the details of the essences by clicking on the range tabs to the left-hand side of this home page, and then scrolling down the page(s).  

If you are looking for something specific, type in the name of a flower/gem essence, or the benefit required in the search box at the top of this page,  to quickly find exactly what you want.  

On this Gaia Essences website there are over 90 Hawaiian essences and nearly 200 Gem essences on offer, making them two of the largest specific essence ranges in the  World. There are also Angel Orchid and Gem essences and sprays, Bach Flower, Goddess, Lily, Miasm, Pet, Personal Choice, Magdalene Flowers,  Overcoming Blocks to Happiness, Sacred Place environmental essences and Zhi essence ranges.

The essences are professionally handmade deep in the green valleys of Devon, in the Languedoc (in France), in Egypt and on all of the main Hawaiian Islands.  

There are a number of essences for sale that are not yet listed on this website, such as Alpine Veronica, Cathedral Quartz, Chalk Milkwort, Chamomile, Pennyroyal and Royal Poinciana flower essences, and Afghanite, Aventurine, Axinite, Black Kyanite, Charoite, Clinohumite, Cryolite, Bixbite, Blue Quartz, Carnelian, Cleavelandite, Copper, Elestial Smoky Quartz, Fire and Ice Quartz, Indigo Gabbro, Gaia Stone, Gaspeite, Golden Beryl, Grand Canyon Wonderstone, Greenlandite, Hauyne, Healer's Gold, Heubnerite, Herkimer Diamond, Iolite, Limonite, Luxullianite, Marialite, Merkabite Calcite, Mica, Molybdenite, Mtorolite, Nirvana Quartz, Novaculite, Nunderite, Okenite, Paraiba Tourmaline, Pearl, Petalite, Phosphosiderite, Rainbow Covellite, Rainbow Moonstone, Red Fire Azeztulite, Stichtite, Stilbite, Strombolite, Strontianite, Sulphur, Rosophia, Tibetan Quartz, Tibetan Tektite, Tiffany Stone, Ussingite, Violet Flame Opal, Voegesite, Winchite, and White Chalcedony  gem essences. If you would like to order any of the above please place an order for any single essence (at £6.35 each) and then let us know by email or in the shipping info box on the order page that you wish to exchange the essence you ordered for one of the above unlisted essences. If you can't find what you are looking for,  either above or in the main range listing, please send an enquiry to,  as it may be available, even if not listed here. 


Please note payment for  your order is via Paypal. You do not need to have a Paypal account. Just sign in as a "guest" to Paypal, enter your personal details and make your payment by credit or debit card.

Please note that customers  automatically agree to Gaia Essences' terms and conditions by placing an order with us. Once you place an order it will be mailed by UK standard first class post or standard international airmail post. For larger orders I suggest you contact me  at to get details of the Royal Mail track and track service. I keep a proof of postage for all orders that will be provided upon request, but Gaia Essences will not replace orders lost in the post.  P and P charges are listed below.

SHIPPING COSTS - Royal Mail postal charges rose very steeply in April 2024 and yet again in October 2024. Please note new changes.

1st Class mail to UK customers is £4.85 per item, plus an extra 0.15p for each additional item. This is the standard charge that I have a proof postage for. It does not entitle any customer to a refund/replacement of essences ordered if it does not reach its destination.

Postal delivery charge to EU countries is now a signed for and tracked service only. It is £10.85, plus an extra 0.35p for each additional item. 

The International group 1 airmail charge is £17.00 for one item, plus an extra £1.60p for each additional item. The international group 1 includes the USA and Canada, plus other middle distance countries. Customers ordering from any other International group 1 countries, except for the USA,  will be refunded any over-charge postage costs by Gaia Essences via Paypal, if the postal charge is less than USA postal charges. This standard international charge does not include signed for and tracking unless requested, and therefore, regretably,  essence ordered will not be replaced or refunded if lost in the post.

Postal delivery standard airmail charges to International group 2 countries eg. Australia and Japan, are £17.30 for one item, and 0.95p for each additional item. Regretably no refund or replacement of essences is offered, unless the signed and tracked service is requested.

If you are placing a large essence order either in the UK or outside the EU you may wish to add an extra Royal Mail  tracking/insurance service.  Please email us at: to enquire about the cost of that service.  

THERAPIES AVAILABLE  - Cathie is a  professionally trained complementary therapist, with more than 20 years experience. If you would like to know more about what therapies  are offered please click on the "therapies available" tab on the left side of this page, below the essence ranges, for details of all the therapies at Rainbow Therapy, in mid Devon .

Please send any email enquiries to

or telephone

01884 259130

gaia essences products

What are Flower and Gem Essences?

Essences are made for the purpose of correcting out-of-balance mental and emotional states. Each 15ml bottle of essence (unless otherwise stated) holds a 50/50% combination of Scottish organic spring water containing the subtle signature of the gem/flower it has been exposed to, and French brandy - that acts as a fixative and preservative. The healing powers of flower essences was rediscovered by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s. His work was based on Paracelsus' 16th century development of the doctrine of signatures.

Paracelsus' belief was that "Nature marks each growth... according to its curative benefit."

To make a flower essence, flower heads are immersed in spring water, and placed in sunshine for up to three hours. The subtle signature of what makes those particular flowers different from another flower species is then said to be held within the water molecules. The action of the sun's heat upon the water causes the hydrogen and oxygen bonds within it to temporarily separate. The flowers are then removed from the water and alcohol is added as a preservative and to fix the plant's subtle vibration within the water. A few drops of this mother essence are added to a 15ml bottle of water with alcohol to make a stock essence for sale to customers.

More recently, Dr. Masaru Emoto has demonstrated, through photographing ice crystals, that water carries the vibrations of anything that is put in contact with it, from flowers, gems and essential oils, to sounds and the surrounding environment.